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Synthesis of Dr. Bernardo Udaquiola´s opinion

(Oncologist, chief of atendance of National Cancer Instituto of Uruguay - INCA)

Neoplasies are traditionally treated with three therapeutic weapons (chirurgy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy).They are very important, but do not oppose to one each other but complement each other. In spite of all the advances during the last past years, cancer still has not been defeated, as other illnesses have indeed. This fact creates in the patients a terrible fear towards the word cancer that many times avoids the correct treatment and therefore a better quantity and quality of life.

In the last decades they have emerged the so called "Alternative" therapies as another option apart from traditional therapy. Many times they seem to contradict one another, whereas they actually are a benefic complement to one another. They increase in importance the homeopathy, aromatherapy, etc.

Therefore, the last ones named (without any harmful effects to the organism) join the traditional treatments in the fight against cancer.

BASQÜADÉ has antioxidant activity, from its ability to inhibit the production of oxhidril radicals, with citotoxic effect. Besides it has a colagog and liver-protecting action, demonstrated by the flavonoids group.

There are not still any complete scientific essays on BASQÜADÉ, these will be taking place along this year (beginning on may, 2002). In spite of this, preliminary studies show citotoxic effects by peroxidation of the DNA in cancerigen cells.

BASQÜADÉ is a natural product extracted from herbs (fitotherapy), its inocuity is demonstrated in its use on the human being, for what there is no objection because it does not interfere with any other treatment the patient would be doing. In some occasions, it has been seen it minimizes the secondary effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

It has been demonstrated that acts on the Krebs circle, giving death to neoplasic cells (apopthosis).

Immunity is stimulated with BASQÜADÉ, making a immune reaction in the patient against the neoplasy.

Therefore, every illness with an autoimmune basis, psoriasis among them, improve with the use of these drops.

This product was elaborated and began to be used in animals, and because of the good results obtained with them, it is used in human beings, having very good results but in a hazardous way. This is why we are beginning a double blind essay, with and without BASQÜADÉ. Considering the fact that the product is a true hope in the fight against cancer, as a complementary treatment to the traditional ones, and as a weapon to improve particularly the oncological patient´s life quality.

Dr. L. Bernardo Udaquiola Bulant

- Medicine Doctor withdrawn of the University of the Republic of Uruguay the 28 of April of 1992.

- Oncology Graduate of the Medicine Faculty: from 22 of December of 1999.

- Oncologist Doctor of the National Cancer Institute from the month of January of 1994 to the present.

- Doctor in Prevention Policlinics of the Honorary Fight Against Cancer Commission from 1994 to the present.

- Collaborating Doctor of the National Breast Cancer Program from 1992 to the present.

- Shift Doctor (hospitalization floor, radio, policlinics, emergency room and Special Care Unit) in Uruguay - Spain Hospital from the 23 of March of 993 to the 17 of May of 1995.

- Substitute Doctor of the Uruguayan Medical Sanatorium from 1995 to 2000.

- Oncologist of the National Civil Employees Association , soon COMAEC from 1994 to 2001.

- Medical interviewer of the World-wide Organization of Health (1992)

Scientific Publications

Spleen metastases. Communication of a pathological clinical case and revision of the splenectomies of the Clinics Hospital in a period of 10 years (1982-1991), presented east work in the Society of Medical an pediatrics Oncology of Uruguay the 17/03/93.

Results of the survey on the situation of the opportune detection of the cancer of breast, presented/displayed in the Second Journeys of PRONACAM, 18-19/11/93.

Study of descriptive epidemiology with regard to 6,170 mammary examinations, work presented in the Second Journeys of PRONACAM, 18-19/11/93.

Evaluation of the impact of the PRONACAM in the INDU to the 4 years of its development, work presented in IV the Journeys of PRONACAM, 27-28/10/95.

Via venous external jugular power station with standard catheter, presented in the Uruguayan Surgery Society at 4-9-96 and in round table in 5º Uruguayan Congress of Oncology. http://www.cirugia-uy.com/revista1/informe13.htm

Evaluation of the impact of PRONACAM in the HINDU, the V Journeys of PRONACAM, 25-26/10/96.
Via venous jugular external with standard catheter, published in the Magazine of Surgery of Uruguay 1997;67(1):40-42.
Other Countries Internships

Institute Curie of Paris, France, April of 1999. -
Hospital Saint Louis of Paris, France, April of 1999. -

Special Mention to the Doctor with greater casuistry in II the Journeys of PRONACAM, 19-20/11/93.

Distinction Special to the Doctor with greater casuistry in III the Journeys of PRONACAM, 9/9/94.

Special by the presented scientific work in III the Journeys of PRONACAM, 9/9/94.

Special to the Doctor with greater casuistry in IV the Journeys of PRONACAM, 27-28/10/95.

Special Mention to the Doctor with greater casuistry in V Journeys of PRONACAM, 25-26/10/96.

Distinction Special by its activity in the PRONACAM, occupying the third place between than 1,000 Technicians more adhered,VII Journeys of PRONACAM, 20/11/68.



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