

Product Origin





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Product’s origin (Origen del Producto)

Insistent versions about the therapeutic properties of some herbs of most frequent traditional use, used in our country , aroused the curiosity of some professionals and researchers, who have created a multi-disciplinary group formed by professionals of different areas duch as oncologists, veterinaries, chemists, engineers and agronomists and other researchers of different countries that have accumulated efforts pursuing the same objective.

Succesive bibliographic searchs of international authors complemented by revisions of international pharmacopeia were the starting point for a non-stop research work which aim is to develop a product of natural origin , non aggressive for the treatment of cancer seeking to improve the patient’s quality of life, taking into account that this treatment does not reside excusively in the tumor’s treatment but also in contemplating the guest.
From the bibliographic analysis the attention was focused in three herbs among which main properties are:

1) Antioxidant power .
2) Inmunoestimulant activity
3) Anti-tumoral activity
4) Colagogue activity
5) Liver- protective


Preliminary tests in animals proved the mentioned properties besides clear improvements in the general condition added toa n important reduction in the tumor’s size have suggested a posible synergic effect among the three components of the product.

Later lab studies confirmed the existente of an important synergic effect between the herbs besides a very clear anti-tumoral effect with inhibition values that oscilated in a range of between 13.8 % and a maximum of 28.9 % in the first 24 hours since the therapeutic dose.

Besides in these studies some observations were done in the microscope that allowed to prove traces of cellular death that can be compared to cellular apoptosi. With the development of new phases in the lab research it was achieved an optimum formulation taking into account some basic medical precepts (minimum effective dose without secondary effects

A wide casuistic done by the oncologist Dr. Bernardo Udaquiola and colleagues of more than 14 countries have registered important improvements in the quality of life of the patients. Among those qualities to highlight are stability and an improvement in the hematimetrics values, increase of the appetit and body weight , pain relieve, reduction of the tumoral size and those undesirable effects of chimiotherapy and radiotherapy.



Last actualization: 25-03-2008
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