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Scientific research protocol

Scientific studies done with Basquade

Work protocol

Cinetics tests of cell proliferation

These tests will be done on 2 cell types:

1) Tumoral cells: tumoral lymphoid line of murine origin BW 5147 that expresses the haplotype H-2k, CD3+ and the TCRab, whci are tested routinarily by flux citometry using specific antibodies against the correspondant surface markers.

2) T Lymphocites normals coming from mice lymph glands of the variety BALG/c 3-4 months old, obtained in an ascetic way.
In vitro tests will be done in sterile condition in 96 wells culture microplates in a final volume of 0,2 ml. The effect on the cell proliferation of the mix to test will be evaluated at different culture times (24, 48, 72 and 96 hours) and in absence (Control) or presence of different concentrations of mix to determine the cynetic action of the product.

The concentrations to test will be dilutions in series to the half in a range of concentrations that includes the proposed dose to use in humans (from 1/250 to 1/4000). The cell proliferation will be evaluated through a technique of incorporation of Timidna tritiada (20 Ci/mnol). For that purpose, the cell cultures will be pulsed for a 16 hour period in the case of normal lymphocites and 6 hours for tumoral cells with Timidina tritiada, after what the cells nucleus are retained by filtration of glass fibre paper, Whatmann GF/A. The radioactive Timidine incorporated to the DNAwill be quantified in a Wallac liquid twinkle counter.

The cells concentrations to use will be: for the tumoral line of 3 per 105 cells/ml (optimum final cell concentration) and for the normal cells of 2 per 106 cells/ml. Both cell types will be cultivated in RPMI 1640 suplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 2mM of glutamine and in presence of the peniciline antibiotics (100 U/ml) and streptomicine (100 ug/ml).



Last actualization: 25-03-2008
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